Longleaf Environmental Consulting is the only Certified Radon Mitigation Business in Alachua County. We have performed Radon Measurement and Mitigation at the University of Florida, for the Department of Corrections and at numerous area schools, apartment complexes, businesses and private residences. Our firm can install Mitigation Systems as part of pre-construction services as well as design Radon Reduction Systems in homes and businesses that were constructed 40 years ago.
Longleaf’s senior staff as well as our General Contractor are involved in the design and installation of every project that we work on. We understand that a home owner or business client does not want a crew of laborers to show up unannounced to perform a job that can be labor intensive and requires a lot of pre-planning and adjustments made in the field. We take our firm’s reputation very seriously and our ultimate goal is clearly communicating our approach and exceeding our clients expectations on every job we perform.

Radon Resistant Construction: Alachua, Florida
Longleaf Environmental designed and installed a radon mitigation system prior to construction in Alachua, FL. Using radon resistant construction materials allows air flow beneath the slab that minimizes radon entry into the home.
Rock was used around the perimeter of the foundation along with cross sections to create pathways for air to move. Perforated pipes were laid along the rock and a ventilation stack was installed in the center of the home that will exit above the roof line.
The passive system will be made active once the home is complete with the installation of a fan that will be installed in the attic.
Radon Mitigation System: Alachua, Florida
Longleaf Environmental installed radon mitigation systems throughout two apartment complexes in Alachua, FL. Radon testing was performed in all of the buildings at the subject property. After testing was performed it was determined that radon mitigation was necessary in 20 of the buildings.
Longleaf Environmental installed 31 ventilation systems throughout the apartment complex. We worked with the property owner and HUD to reduce the radon levels to below the EPA’s recommended action limit of 4 pCi/L.
Radon Mitigation System: Gainesville, Florida
Our firm was contracted to design and install a Radon Mitigation System at a four-story apartment building near the University of Florida campus in Gainesville, FL. We met with the building owners and to discuss current Radon levels and reviewed the construction drawings of the structure.
Our staff determined the installing Radon piping inside the apartment units was not practical because of the configuration of the units. We designed the mitigation system to run on the exterior of the building and painted the piping to match the building.
This system won an award for our system design with one of the leading Radon equipment providers in the country.